Newhalen meatballs

Today I found myself wrestling with the conflicting ideas of resting and letting things go and sometimes needing to push through and do hard things. Granted, most everything feels hard some days so there are plenty of opportunities. 

Last night we honestly admitted not wanting to do things that are on the schedule for this weekend. After a less that stellar night of sleep, the portion on my plate looked too big. My eyes last week planning the day were bigger than my Thursday morning “stomach”.  

But as I watch my boys get up and out the door to work and school day after day I realized that if they can do that…I can make meatballs. So, I made them. And I was glad I did. 

The reality is, the Lord has developed in the cadence of my life an ongoing conversation with Him about what He has for me to do each day. It gets pretty specific some times and general others. Today when I admitted to Him freely that I didn’t know what to do or how to decide, He gave me the insight I needed at just the right time. 

He’s always providing for my needs. He always has and always will. What changes is my heart in seeing and choosing what those things are instead of fussing about what I think is best. 

By now you’re wondering what Newhalen has to do with meatballs. Today, I made meatballs and Sam got on a plane and went to Newhalen to play basketball and Josh went to work and did math. In it all God met us. 

12 thoughts on “Newhalen meatballs

  1. Julie- thanks for your honest living of life — seeing how you are walking with Christ is an example. Thank you my friend for being so real. You are richly loved and a joy. Hugs to you today, Cindy

    I’m going to make meatballs for dinner and pray for you and your boys. “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called His children and that is what we are.”


  2. Julie, reading your posts leaves me each time with a sense of what an incredible, yet very real , faith you have. I’m amazed that you can let Sam even get on a plane. What faith that must take each time now! Yet I know it is a part of your daily life. We are having meatballs tonight, as well, and I will think of you and pray for you again as we eat. My husband has stage 4 cancer, and watching you in your grief gives me great hope for how God can indeed meet us when we most need Him in our times of greatest loss. You are a wonderful example of that.
    (I am Matt Morton’s mom.)


  3. Julie, even though we’ve never met, I want you to know what an inspiration you are to my husband and I. My son is so grateful to have gone to Alaska and met you all. He was amazed at your family then, and so inspired by you and your boys now. You are truly shining HIS light! Keep writing………………it is beautiful to see your great strength, and faith. God bless you always sister!


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